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Berry DHA



Emulsified DHA and EPA formula high in vitamin C
• Helps maintain cardiovascular health and reduce serum triglycerides in adults
• Helps support cognitive health
• Helps support the development of the brain, eyes and nerves in children and adolescents
• Provides 300 mg of DHA and 148 mg of EPA per teaspoon
• Provides 15 mg of anthocyanins and 25 mg of vitamin C per teaspoon
• Delicious natural berry flavour

Berry DHA is an effective combination of omega-3 fatty acids, anthocyanins, and vitamin C that helps support brain and cardiovascular health. Emulsified oils have superior absorption than fish oils due to improved digestion by pancreatic lipase enzymes.1 DHA is essential to support pre- and postnatal brain development, as it is highly present on neuronal synapses.2 Rods and cones in the retina are rich in DHA, the omega-3 fatty acid necessary for the proper development of retinal structure and visual acuity in infants.2 DHA and EPA lower triglyceride production by increasing fatty acid metabolism by stimulating PPARα in the liver.3,4 Berry DHA provides 15 mg of anthocyanins per teaspoon, which is equivalent to approximately 75 g of fresh strawberries.5


1. Garaiova, I, Guschina, IA, Plummer, SF, Tang, J, Wang, D, Plummer, NT. Nutrition Journal. 2007; 6: 4-12.
2. Kidd, PM. Alternative Medicine Review. 2007; 12(3): 207-227.
3. Davidson, MH. The American Journal of Cardiology. 2006; 98(4A): 27i-33i.
4. Ikeda, I, Konno, R, Shimizu, T, Ide, T, Takahashi, N, Kawada, T, Nagao, K, Inoue, N, Yanagita, T, Hamada, T, Morinaga, Y, Tomoyori, H, Imaizumi, K, Suzuki, K. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2006; 1760: 800–807.
5. da Silva, L, Escribano-Bailo, MT, Perez Alonso, JJ, Rivas-Gonzalo, JC, Santos-Buelga, C. LWT – Food Science and Technology. 2007; 40(2); 374-382.


Additional information




Genestra Brands


Cognitive Support, Memory, Triglyceride Support, Vision Support


Essential Fatty Acids & Phospholipids


cardiovascular system, nervous system


Anthocyanins, Calories, Calories from Fat, Carbohydrate, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), Fish Oil, Sugars, Total omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, Wild Berry-Apple Concentrate




225 ml

