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Episode 24 – How To Overcome Fear – Part I

It’s ok to be afraid once in a while, because having fear is a normal part of life. Fear protects us. Fear may even fulfill a need. For example, you see a lion – you run! However, fear can be outright traumatizing and paralyzing.

024 – How To Overcome Fear

It’s ok to be afraid once in a while, because having fear is a normal part of life. Fear protects us. Fear may even fulfill a need. For example, you see a lion – you run! Episode 24, 25 and 26 are covered in a 3-part series on overcoming fear-based emotions based on our subconscious beliefs & personal traumas of past events.

In this legendary 3-part series, I break down fear and how it affects us, offering you some ways we can turn things around. It’s ok to be afraid once in a while, because having fear is a normal part of life. Fear protects us. Fear may even fulfill a need. For example, you see a lion – you run! However, fear can be outright traumatizing and paralyzing.

In this 1st part episode, we covered:

  • The energy of trauma, and its storage in your body. I offer you my own experience with trauma to validate.
  • Fear manifests itself as self-limiting thoughts, unconscious beliefs and habits.
  • Reiki is a form of energy healing that helps shift the energy of your pain body.
  • Your body becomes addicted to an emotional state. This is one possible reason why people fear pain & flee from certain situations.
  • I asked two important questions you should pose yourself:

1) What are you most afraid of? 
2) What are you even more afraid of?

My coaching teacher, Tony Robbins, says we must embrace the fear, and “dance” with it.

There are times, however, where you don’t know how to “dance” with your fear, or work around the pain of the past. My most successful strategy has been to use Visualization (of no longer having the problem) combined with using Affirmations. Check out this post on leveraging the power of visualization.

Webinar: Unfortunately the webinar series discussed in this podcast episode is no longer available. Should you be interested in understanding different ways to change a behaviour pattern, listen to this episode here.

Self-Mastery Card: Concentration.

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