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Episode 25 – How To Overcome Fear, Part II/III

025 – How To Overcome Fear, Part II/III

In my Episode 24, Part I, How To Overcome Fear, I revealed that I fear pain due to a past injury and that it holds me back. I also asked you to ponder two questions: What are you most afraid of, and what are you even more afraid of?

In Episode 24, “Part I” of How To Overcome Fear, I revealed that I fear the pain of re-injuring my knee, due to a past injury, and that it holds me back in ways unimaginable. I also asked you to ponder two questions: What are you most afraid of, and what are you even more afraid of?

In today’s episode, on How To Overcome Fear, “Part 2”  I’m taking you one-step further and talking about the meaning of your pain story.

And more specifically, what is the meaning of your fear?

In Episode 25, you’ll learn:

  • All fear holds meaning.
  • Prompts to explore your pain story.
  • What are you holding yourself back from?
  • In my 5-Day Audio Series on Self-Mastery, Day 3 dives into the Meaning of your problems.
  • You have the answers deep within.

Questions To Prompt Analysis

What are you most afraid of?
What are you even more afraid of than that?
And what is the meaning of all this happening?

These questions become important when doing your own personal reflection, and analysis, of the problem. We’re all on the planet to grow and reach our potential. As I also said in Episode 24, there are times when fear becomes a very real block. I offered up my most successful strategy, visualization (see podcast episode How To Leverage The Power of Visualization).  When combining visualizations with saying powerful affirmations, you can recreate meaning. This can then extend to improving your chances of shifting the behaviour pattern, as well as the emotional-chemical reaction in your body (see episode 4 Easy Steps To Recreate Meaning).

In summary, by improving your awareness of your fear, and making an effort to shift your thought patterns, you can overcome your fear – whatever that fear may be. Ultimately, it is fear of something that holds us back.

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